Samuel Morris ⁓ Zweipol ⊹ 2023
Contribution ⇢ Music

ZWEIPOL [ Two · Pole ] explores the emotional polarity that occurs when a person we have a deep connection with, whether it’s a friend, family member, or romantic partner, exits our life. This departure can take many forms, including physical separation, the end of a relationship, or even the loss of a loved one.
In the absence of this person different feelings can arise. It can be a feeling of loss when this person is no longer there, or a feeling of positive tension when we remember the moments we shared. A quiet place filled with memories is left behind and we are right in the middle of it.
- Director: Samuel Morris
- Production: hillton & farbfilm studio
- Executive Producer: David Bertschinger Karg
- Producer: Flo Brunner
- DOP: Fabio Tozzo
- 1st AC: Yannic Krayss
- Gaffer: Luca Zellweger
- Sound Design: Corsin Bader
- Editing: Dennis Gnoni Visconti
- Colorist: Manuel Portschy
- Music: Mischa Nüesch & Gordian Gleiß
- Cello: Lucia Travella
- Cast: Cosma Luna Sinclair & Sean Douglas